Tea Tree

(Malaleuca alternifolia)

Tea tree is more of a shrub than a tall tree, typically growing up to 5 meters.The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and alternate, containing visible pockets of essential oil under low magnification. When crushed, the leaves emit a potent aroma. Tea tree flowers are small and white, growing in spikes.

Tea Tree essential oil is prized for its anti-microbial properties. It is an active ingredient in our Decongesting Nasal Spray, Sore Throat Spray and After Bite Roll On.

From Australia

Tea Tree thrives in moist and even swampy soils and is found at low altitudes in regions such as Australia, China, and Kenya.

Health benefits

Wide-spectrum anti-infective, Immunostimulant, Anti-inflammatory, Radioprotective

Fun Facts

The Tea Tree plant earned its name over two centuries ago when British explorer Captain James Cook saw indigenous Australians preparing a drink from its leaves. Cook sampled this tea-like brew, liked it, and started calling the plant "Tea Tree".

Research Papers

Effects of aromatherapy on sore throat, nasal symptoms and sleep quality in adults infected with COVID-19
Tea Tree Oil: A review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties