Mandarin Orange

(Citrus reticulata)

The mandarin tree is a shrub that can reach 10-15 feet in height, often pruned to a smaller size for easier fruit harvesting. The essence of mandarin peel is known for its uplifting qualities; it brings a sense of calm and well-being in emotionally turbulent situations.

It is an active ingredient in our Stress Relief Roll On and Quality Sleep Roll On where its uplifting properties bring a sense of calm.

From Brazil

The mandarin tree produces fragrant flowers attached to the leaf axils, featuring a corolla of four to eight white petals and around 20 stamens, which surround a nectar-bearing disc. The mandarin fruit is a berry with highly valued, juicy flesh, harvested only when fully ripe

Health benefits

Calming, soothing, promotes digestion, balances emotions

Fun Facts

The word "mandarin" in Mandarin Oranges comes from the title of advisors in the Chinese imperial courts, who wore vivid orange robes and headpieces with buttons resembling the fruit.

Research Papers

The effect of Orange essential oil aromatherapy on sleep quality in hospitalized children
The effect of aromatherapy by essential oil of orange on anxiety during labor