(Eucalyptus globulus)
Eucalyptus tree reaches heights of approximately 40 meters and features a distinctive bark that peels off in long strips, revealing a smooth, grayish trunk underneath. The wood is heavy, hard, and deeply fissured. Its young leaves are oval and arranged opposite each other, while mature leaves become lance-shaped. The greenish-white flowers have an unusual structure, with numerous yellow stamens radiating from an orange center, resembling a sunburst.
Eucalyptus essential oil is a versatile natural remedy with potential benefits for respiratory health, pain relief, and mental clarity. It can help soothe coughs, congestion, and muscle aches, while also promoting focus and alertness. It is an active ingredient in our Decongesting Nasal Spray that helps provide relief from nasal congestion.
From China
The eucalyptus blue gum, originating from Australia and Tasmania, is the most widely distributed eucalyptus species due to its adaptability, allowing it to thrive in diverse climates worldwide.